
Will You Make It? Consider these facts!

* Only 4% of the total population with dependent children have adequate levels of Life Insurance cover and more than three in four Australians will be diagnosed with a serious illness in their working life.

* Only 10% of Australians have more than $100,000 in the superannuation accounts and that’s the problem. To retire, a single person would probably need about $800,000 to live modestly. Martin Speiser has burning desire to ensure all Australians build wealth for their future and protect themselves through wise insurance and asset protection that they can afford, his legacy is his new book “Will You Make It?

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Will You Make It? Consider these facts! *

Only 4% of the total population with dependent children have adequate levels of Life Insurance cover and more than three in four Australians will be diagnosed with a serious illness in their working life.

* Only 10% of Australians have more than $100,000 in the superannuation accounts and that’s the problem. To retire, a single person would probably need about $800,000 to live modestly. Martin Speiser has burning desire to ensure all Australians build wealth for their future and protect themselves through wise insurance and asset protection that they can afford, his legacy is his new book “Will You Make It?

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Atrial Fibrillation Explained is a must-read for sufferers and those who care about them, medical practitioners and anyone planning to live into a healthy, old age. Having a better understanding of AF as a disease and learning about its treatment will open up meaningful conversations between patients and their medical practitioners, leading to greater insight into the best way to look after the condition in personal sets of circumstances.

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  • Black & White Interior
  • 6x9 or 8.5 x 11 Book
  • 5 Images
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions – max. 100 changes without add’l cost, over 100. $.50 each chg.
  • From Template  Layout List
  • 72-96 hours to first proof, 24 hours for proof changes
  • Mobi and Epub reflowable: These are reflowable kindle mobi and epub files, made with your cover that you furnish. They normally take 48 hours (2 working days) to produce after print book is approved.

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If you want all your categories in a specific campaign synced with Amazon. Typically we sync every 24 hours before the campaign is live. This allows you to re-sync and receive the latest results within a few minutes.

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  • Black & White Interior
  • 6x9 or 8.5 x 11 Book
  • 5 Images
  • 2 Rounds of Revisions – max. 100 changes without add’l cost, over 100. $.50 each chg.
  • From Template  Layout List
  • 72-96 hours to first proof, 24 hours for proof changes
  • Mobi and Epub reflowable: These are reflowable kindle mobi and epub files, made with your cover that you furnish. They normally take 48 hours (2 working days) to produce after print book is approved.

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