
We offer a worry-free professional service to achieve #1 Best Seller Status for your book.

Remember being a #1 Best Selling Author is a priceless legacy that will remain for many generations to come.

As part of your package, we will execute our #1 Best Seller Strategy designed to at least have you listed as the #1 Number best seller in ONE Amazon category in the USA.

We will also run an international campaign and try to get #1 in countries like Australia, Canada and United Kingdom.

You can expect around 180 sales and 3-6 reviews.

We 100% guarantee a result.

We will continue to promote your book until we achieve this goal. 

The ones that invest in this system will change their life and business forever.

This is not a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE, what we guarantee is to continue marketing your book until we get the target result. Given we have never failed in 100's of books we don't feel a money-back guarantee means anything.

What we cannot guarantee is the campaign will be successful on the specific day we designate for the launch.  For example, Amazon could be inaccessible or system issues.  If this happens we will continue to work until we get a result.

What We Need:

We need login access to your Amazon KDP account and any emails from Amazon need to be forwarded to us in regard to the category submissions. OR you or your publisher must undertake to follow our simple instructions.

Your book also needs to be priced at US$0.99 cents for a period of time (at least 48 hours or when we call the launch over).  If you want a higher price then we need to charge you the difference in pricing.

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We offer guaranteed book purchases via our networks for your launch day. Each pack is designed per country.

Some important points to note:

  • The book must be priced @ 99 Cents (or we need to invoice you separately for the difference)
  • We require at least 2 days business days notice to ensure we can activate our network
  • We will also need the ASIN of your book and the USA Date of Purchase
  • We will process your order in a 24 hour period we cannot guarantee a specific time.

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LIFETIME - All Access Pass

Don’t miss out – get LIFETIME access to all the Evolvepreneur Summit Interviews, along with access to a private Facebook Group and other powerful tools including Private Q&A Group Session.

Including $2,303 worth of Bonuses

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#1 International Selling Book on Entrepreneurial Success!

It's a common question...  What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?   

It's my belief that success isn't defined solely by how much money you make. The reason most people start businesses is for the freedom they expect it to give them. Unfortunately, the cold hard reality is that most entrepreneurs end up working longer hours for less money, and ironically, less freedom. 

This book is about the process, strategy and implementation of your ideas. The 5 Stages is our way of showing you a viable success path and will help you understand the mindset you need to develop and achieve your definition of success. 

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5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Game and Win More Matches

The Game of Squash Book is written to help beginners to advanced players get more out of their game and find ways to win more matches. We believe squash can become very addictive but what a wonderful addiction! Most players strive to improve, but the lack of discipline or knowledge can hold you back. The Game of Squash is designed to give you an easy resource for all things squash.

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US$29.00 / Month
US$49.00 / Month

Why Record An Audiobook?

It’s no secret that audio is hot. Take a look at the explosive  growth in the podcasting industry and you’ll realize that the advent of consuming content via audio is here. Everyone is listening to podcasts or audiobooks on their smartphone while they’re working out in the gym, or commuting to work in their car or in the subway. It’s an easy way to consume content, and more people are using this form as their preferred way of “reading”.

Why, then, have audiobook sales skyrocketed?

Here’s a list of the top 3 reasons:

  1. Easy To Consume: almost 100 million Americans drive to work each day, with a total average commute time of over 50 minutes. On average, most novellas are around 40,000 to 50,000 words, and audiobook recordings are read at the rate of about 9,000 words per hour. Think about it: That’s one book consumed per week just while driving in the car! Don’t forget about listening to audiobooks while grocery shopping, in the gym, walking the dog, doing housework, etc.,
  2. Smartphones and tablets: With the advent of high speed wireless networks across the nation, people can purchase and download audiobooks easily and start listening immediately, etc.
  3. Audio brings your book to life: A strong subset of readers prefer audiobook content above all other ways of consuming content, and for a good reason: A well-read audiobook brings another dimension to a book. It’s the same reason why movie versions of books are so  incredibly popular—the book is brought to life. Audio does much of the same, and more and more people are discovering this way of consuming books.

Get started recording your own audiobook today and make more money with your book starting NOW!

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