Voices of Influence

Voices of Influence: (HardCover/Case Laminate Full Colour)


Price: US$19.95

Dive into “Voices of Influence: The Untold Stories of Remarkable Speakers,” where twelve dynamic female authors share transformative tales of courage and reinvention.

This anthology goes beyond mere stories; it's a symphony of empowerment, woven by keynote speakers who've transcended boundaries to share narratives that resonate with the human experience.

This collection isn't just about overcoming challenges; it's an authentic journey into the lives of these remarkable women. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as they navigate setbacks, conquer challenges, and emerge as the architects of their own destinies.

“Voices of Influence” is a catalyst for personal transformation, inviting you to embrace the power of reinvention.

Get ready to be moved, inspired, and transformed by these voices that have the power to influence not just your reading experience, but to change the direction of your life.

This anthology isn't just a book; it's a roadmap to empowerment, an odyssey of self-discovery that will linger with you long after the final page. Welcome to a world where authenticity sparks a profound journey of self-discovery leading to reinvention.

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Dive into “Voices of Influence: The Untold Stories of Remarkable Speakers,” where twelve dynamic female authors share transformative tales of courage and reinvention.

This anthology goes beyond mere stories; it's a symphony of empowerment, woven by keynote speakers who've transcended boundaries to share narratives that resonate with the human experience.

This collection isn't just about overcoming challenges; it's an authentic journey into the lives of these remarkable women. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as they navigate setbacks, conquer challenges, and emerge as the architects of their own destinies.

“Voices of Influence” is a catalyst for personal transformation, inviting you to embrace the power of reinvention.

Get ready to be moved, inspired, and transformed by these voices that have the power to influence not just your reading experience, but to change the direction of your life.

This anthology isn't just a book; it's a roadmap to empowerment, an odyssey of self-discovery that will linger with you long after the final page. Welcome to a world where authenticity sparks a profound journey of self-discovery leading to reinvention.

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Reviewed on 7th Oct 2024

Great Reading!

Voices of Influence is an inspiring book where the readers will have the opportunity to step into several stories told by female authors who share uplifting and transformative experiences! This book can change the way you step into life, regardless of where you come from and even your gender.
After reading these stories, I felt like I was walking in a cloud; these women inspired me to do more, to take action, and finally take the necessary steps to change my life positively! Every story is different and can be taken as an example in different aspects of your daily life, they are empathetic and lovely to read! I also loved the fact that I could get in touch with these women and follow their careers to keep inspiring me! Great reading.


Reviewed on 7th Oct 2024

Very informative and Powerful

Voice of Influence: The Untold Stories of Remarkable Speakers by Zahrina Robertson and others is a powerful and informative book designed to help you reach your goals. The book tells the remarkable story of twelve authors as they share their stories or how they transformed their lives through courage and persistence and has ways of encouraging you to overcome challenges.
Besides, it will also take you through the lives of these twelve women, touching your life in ways you will not expect and helping you to rediscover yourself and reach the highest potential.
I was skeptical about this book initially. I have loads of self-help books already on my shelf. However, after reading this book, I was glad I added it to my collection. It's an excellent book with a powerful message.
All the stories in this book are unique in their various ways. It can also make an excellent example in different scenarios. Voices of Influence is one book that will inspire you to take positive action. It will also encourage you to try new things. After reading this book, I found out why I needed to leave my old career path and try something new. The women in this book are role models worthy of emulation.
J Armstrong

Reviewed on 7th Oct 2024


This book is a collection of inspirational stories. Stories from authors who had overcome the odds, who have shown perseverance tenacity as well as determination in the face of their own setbacks and tribulations. I really liked this story collection, because it's really motivating and inspiring. These types of books often are a collection of stories that are very similar, but this one went Above and Beyond in finding people and speakers who really span the gamut of experiences and industries.
Maria Paula Castellanos

Reviewed on 7th Oct 2024

The Perfect Book for Those Who Love Inspirational Stories

Embark on this gripping text through "Voices of Influence: The Untold Stories of Remarkable Speakers," a captivating collection of stories crafted by twelve dynamic female authors who share stories of resilience and transformation. This compendium of stories transcends traditional narratives, resonating as a harmonious chorus of female empowerment woven by remarkable speakers who have broken barriers to illuminate stories deeply rooted in the human experience.

I must agree that this book takes you through the full range of emotions that exist, they are not only touching but also moving and the way the author tells them makes you feel that they are the stories of a family member or close friend because you end up taking the story personally.

Excellent book full of touching stories. If you are looking for a book to inspire you and fill you with emotions this is the one.

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